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Hot Topics
Result of the Alumni Manager (2024-2026) Election
Further Notice on the Alumni Manager (2024-2026) Election
Alumni Manager (2024-2026) Election
2024 Executive Committee Members 校友會幹事成員
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2022
Alumni Manager (2022-2024) Election Result
Alumni Manager (2022-2024) Election
2022 Executive Committee Members 校友會幹事成員
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2021
聖馬可中學校友會 11月20日(星期六)南丫島之旅
2021 Executive Committee Members 校友會幹事成員
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2020
Alumni Manager (2020-2022) Election Result
Alumni Manager (2020-2022) Election
2020 Executive Committee Members 校友會幹事成員
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Cancellation of Platinum Jubilee Banquet 取消70周年校慶宴會
70th Anniversary Fund-Raising Campaign 七十周年校慶籌款活動
Membership Application Form (F6 Students)
2019 Executive Committee Members 校友會幹事成員
Platinum Jubilee Alumni Homecoming Day
Notice of Annual General Meeting - 7th December 2018
Condolence Message - Mr. Lau Shu Bun
2018 秋季聯歡燒烤大會
Alumni Manager (2018-2020) Election Result
Alumni Manager (2018-2020) Election
*聖馬可校友會活動* *恭賀新禧*
2018 Executive Committee Members 校友會幹事成員
Annual General Meeting & Dinner to be held on 8th Dec., 2017
Annual General Meeting to be held on 9th Dec., 2016
Alumni Manager (2016-2018) Election Result 校友校董選舉結果 (2016-2018)
Invitation to St. Mark's School Alumni Concert 聖馬可中學校友“漪着您”音樂會
Alumni Manager (2016-2018) Election 校友校董(2016-2018)選舉
Alumni Manager Election Result 校友校董選舉結果
Alumni Manager Election (Latest update 29 Sep 2015) 校友校董選舉 (最新更新2015年9月29日)
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